Aug 26, 2011

Spokane's Children's Photographer

So as a children's photographer, I never have a dull life.  Life is always changing and I never really know what is coming.  Not only do I not know how a child is going to respond in the camera room, we as parents really never know what lies around the next corner.  Well this definitely is one of those corners this morning.  My middle child that is 4 has a curiosity of life.  Many of you can probably can relate to this, She wants to know everything and what happens when you do this or that.  Well after breakfast, things get a little quiet here.  Not a good sign, so as any parent does I go looking for the trouble she is getting herself into.  What do I find you ask?  She had taken a glue stick and put it all over my camera lens.  YIKES!!!!!!  Thank God with a little lens cleaner and some elbow grease no harm has been done to my favorite lens.  Moral of the story:  Always as a mom and photographer be on your toes because they just my collide on a Good Friday morning!